
Pump Pump Pump It Up

Let’s be honest. Nobody knows anything about pumping before you start doing it. It’s daunting. It’s overwhelming. And when you’re pumping for three babies, it’s terrifying. I’m here to (hopefully) alleviate some of your fears and answer your questions about pumping!

Getting Started

Luckily, you’ll likely have a support system in the hospital before you leave. You should be able to meet with a lactation consultant who can walk you through how to get everything started (fitting, positioning, etc.).

  • You should pump every two hours for the first few days to help your milk supply come in.
  • Don’t be alarmed when you see thick yellow stuff coming out. This is actually a REALLY GOOD thing! Before making milk, our bodies produce colostrum, which is a high-protein, low-fat (easier to digest), high in antibodies and immune properties, lots of probiotics, and TONS of other health benefits for baby. This is the best possible thing for baby to have right after birth. Your body will eventually transition into making milk suited for your baby, with more fat and different composition than the colostrum.
pumped colostrumYou have no idea how excited I was to get this teeny little amount! LIQUID GOLD. These 15 mLs go a lot farther than you’d think.
  • Some moms choose to begin pumping even before delivering baby! I didn’t know about this or I probably would have tried it. This is a great idea for a few reasons– 1) you get your milk supply flowing sooner than normal, and 2) you’ve got some colostrum ready for your baby once he is born! This is especially helpful if baby has to go to NICU and can’t latch immediately. The nurses there can feed your baby your colostrum and never miss a beat!
  • Most pumps have an automatic setting that simulates baby’s initial suckle. When you turn it on, it pumps in short quick bursts just like a baby does in order to get the milk flowing. Once your milk “lets down”, you can change the setting to simulate baby’s relaxed suckle. Each pump is different, so be sure to read directions or ask how to change the settings.

Setting up at Home

  • HANDS. FREE. PUMPING. BRA. You will thank me for this. I met so many girls who had never heard of this, and held their pumps by hand the entire time. Wowsers. Luckily, I found out pretty early and it saved me so much time. I could pump while eating, reading, holding a baby on my lap, putting on makeup, writing a blog post, or just scrolling through my phone. This is the bra I used, and they are also available at Target or any baby stores. I got two, so that I always had a clean one. Honestly, I wore these bras all day long while I was home so I could just pump quickly when I got a chance.
  • After pumping, you can put your shields–with the valves and connectors still attached– in the fridge and use for up to 24 hours without washing! (We learned this after about 3-4 weeks of washing them every. single. time. But hey, better late than never!) I just place the parts in a plastic tupperware container, put the lid on, and stick it in the fridge! Although I was told you can use them for 24 hours, I still switched them out about twice a day during those first few months when I was pumping 7-8 times a day. Now that I only pump 3-4 times a day, I’ll use the same parts all day and then wash each night.
  • After you finish pumping, unhook the tubes from the connectors (NOT the machine) and leave the machine on. This is to prevent mold inside the tubes due to moisture buildup. You’ll notice condensation inside the tubes as you are pumping, and leaving the pump on after you’re finished will push that moisture out.
  • Create a pumping station. Find a comfy spot and make it comfier because you’re gonna be spending quite some time there! Make sure you have water and snacks, and you’ll want to have some reading material, computer, etc. for entertainment. Sometimes this will be your only “down time” so you gotta eat while ya can!
  • If you can afford it, invest in two pumps if you have a two story house or plan on pumping in different locations. I have one pumping station next to my bed for middle-of-the-night pumps, and one downstairs where we spend most of our time during the day. Before I got the second pump, it was annoying to unhook and bring the pump up with me each night and then back down each morning. (I know, I sound like a spoiled brat. We were very lucky that our insurance provided another one and I do not take that for granted!! I highly suggest borrowing a used one from a friend. If you change out the tubes and parts, it’s not gross.)

Increasing Supply

  • Power pumping! After recovering from delivery and getting over the initial shock and exhaustion, you can do some power pumping sessions to help increase your milk supply. Get comfy with a movie, some snacks, a book, and whatever else keeps you busy! You will definitely want to wear your hands-free pumping bra for this. Power pumping is where you pump for 15-20 minutes, then rest for 15. Pump again for 15-20 minutes, rest for 15. Pump, rest, pump, rest for 1-2 hours. This provides lots of stimulation which helps to increase your supply. Basically, you are telling your body that you need more milk than its currently producing.
  • During the time I let the machine continue running, I like to hand express to get as much milk out as possible. Regardless of how long I pump, I still can squeeze out more at the end. This is because your breasts respond differently to different types of stimulation. The pump is not quite as effective as baby at extracting milk.
  • Make sure that your breast shields fit properly. It took me a while to realize why I wasn’t getting as much out of one side–it was because I actually needed two different size shields! There are diagrams included with your pump, and you can search online if you borrowed a used pump. This is a crucial step to successful pumping that I was not aware of from the beginning!
  • There are all kinds of supplements, diets, and fads out there that claim to increase your milk supply. Some of them work great, and some are there just to mess with your head and make you feel inadequate without them. I’ll tell you what I used and believed to work, but I also must warn you that EVERY WOMAN’S BODY IS DIFFERENT. Just because Mary tried these strategies and immediately started pumping 96 ounces a day doesn’t mean you will too.  I took fenugreek pills which are a natural supplement and relatively cheap. I ordered this tea  which was tasty and effective at the same time! I also noticed that the more hydrated I was, the more milk I produced. You’ve GOT to drink water nonstop so that your body has enough extra fluid to aid milk production.
  • If you’re worried about your supply, I encourage you to try a few of these methods, but don’t stress yourself out! Milk supply is directly connected with stress levels, and stress can actually give your milk a bitter taste.

I hope you’ve found this information helpful! Please don’t hesitate to ask your lactation consultant if you have questions, or feel free to send me a message!

Happy Pumping!!! xoxo

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