
Favorite Baby Products: Part 2!

I heard a lot of feedback from my first post about my favorite baby products, so I wanted to write another one. This one is more applicable for slightly older babies/toddlers (6 months-18 months). Here goes!

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  1. These disposable placemats are amazing! We used them anytime we went to a restaurant, and even for a while at home because our girls liked to pick up their plates. They stick to the table very well, and provide a clean place for your baby to eat from! You just peel off the sticker backing, lay on the table, and throw away when you’re done. Viola! After we went through that pack, we ordered these with a “cuter” design.
  2. We tried a few plates for home, but my kiddos love to pick them up and throw them all around, so we needed some that really stuck! We ordered these KiddieBobs from Amazon and they are amazing! We’ve been using them for several months. They are dishwasher safe (praise!!!), they have edges to keep food contained, and they come with two baby spoons each!baby products kiddiebobs plate
  3. Sippy Cups… the trial process was nearly the death of me. Trying to find a cup that 1) the girls could use easily and effectively, and 2) that didn’t leak….. you’d think I was asking for a miracle. Apparently I was. And I found it!! We use two types of cups now… I already posted about the Zoli Bot Straw which is what we use for juice and water. It has a straw and handles, doesn’t leak, and is surprisingly easy to wash. However, I’m slightly grossed out at the idea of milk going through a straw, so we use Nuby Clik-it sippy cups for milk. They also have handles, and we found that the only leakage was when we didn’t have the lid on correctly. AND, there’s a designer series. Like kids need to be more hip.
  4. The only “big gift” we’ve ever bought for the girls (yeah, we’re the parents that didn’t get our kids a single present for Christmas. They’ll never know!) was when we splurged and got a Foamnasium and we absolutely LOVE IT! Not only did it provide new and exciting fun, but it also helped our girls developmentally. They learned to climb up and down, stand up, slide down, and it really seemed like they took off physically once we introduced this. At 15 months, we still have it set up in our playroom and they still love it!! ((The above link is to the full set. You can also purchase a smaller set like this one.))baby products foamnasium review
  5. Speaking of developing, the Chicco walker was so much fun! It has a tray with 2 cupholders, removable singing animals, and it is very sturdy. It’s adjustable for different heights, and it collapses flat for storage! I love the cupholders and tray because we often had Puffs or Cheerios snacks in them! We used it in our downstairs which contains carpet and tile flooring; it transitioned over the floor types seamlessly. Eventually we moved our walkers outside and used them in the driveway, and they still worked great! We also used this Baby Einstein walker and my only complaints are that it doesn’t collapse and doesn’t have cupholders. It is significantly cheaper though, which is always a plus.
  6. As for other toys, we love these sit-to-stand push-behind walkers from Fisher Price and V-Tech. These blocks and stacking rings have been entertaining since the girls were about 6 months old, and they still get them out every day! This V-Tech activity cube is educational and fun. And for the warmer months, this water table is PERFECT! It’s big enough for all three of my girls to stand around (or climb into), plus 1-2 friends! It comes with lots of toys, and it’s a great, quick, easy and fun way to cool off! Speaking of cooling off, INFLATABLE POOL is the way to go. 25 bucks for endless fun! This one has a removable canopy to protect kids from sun, and it’s big enough for me and three toddlers to play in with plenty of room. 
  7. With three babies, traveling is anything but a breeze. We literally fill our entire Tahoe up to the ceiling for a weekend trip. However, I will say that these mini Pack-N-Play beds from Cosco are phenomenal. They are super easy to set up and pack away, they’re compact, and they’re small enough to fit 3 in a hotel room and still have room to walk around! Our girls still have plenty of room inside them. AND they are only about $50! When I say easy to set up, I mean they’re pretty comparable to the 4Moms Pack-n-play (which we also LOVE), where you just have to push down in the center and you’re products cosco play yard review
  8. When it comes to making your own baby food, this Baeba BabyCook was amazing! It steams fresh foods, and then purees them right in the same container! Minimal mess, minimal time, minimal effort for providing healthy homemade food for your baby.
  9. Bathing triplets was no easy feat either, but infant bathtub seats made it SO MUCH EASIER! We used them from the time the girls could sit up steadily on their own (6-7 months) until they were about 14 months. The seats help keep baby upright in the early days and, once baby can stand up, contained and seated! We used Keter brand, but Safety 1st also has a very similar model.
  10. Baby swings! My kiddos LOVE to swing. Through gifts, we actually received two different types of swings. We have the Fisher Price swing and the Little Tikes swing. I prefer the Fisher Price because it has a tray, which makes outdoor snack time convenient AND fun! The Little tikes swing is a bit more heavy duty and probably more durable, but the FP swing is certainly durable enough to serve its purpose. baby products fisher price swing review
  11. Finally, wagons! When you have triplets, you go on multiple walks just about every single day. It keeps them contained and entertained, and there’s nothing better than fresh air! We were blessed to be gifted one after we had purchased a used one, so we got to try out both! Radio Flyer Triple Play Wagon was a dream for so many months. It comes with a canopy to protect babies from sun (or rain if you’re that determined to get out of the house!) and has 4 cupholders for the babies and 2 for adults! It has a storage bag on the back which is SO nice when going to the zoo, etc. because I can put snacks, sunscreen, diaper bag and anything else I want! Two babies face the front, and one baby faces the back which helps to entertain them because they can interact. The other wagon we use is the Step2 Choo Choo Train which is composed of three separate wagon cars. Each child has their own cupholder and personal space, but there aren’t cupholders for adults, and the only storage option is underneath the seat of the first car. We like this wagon for walks around the neighborhood, but we wouldn’t take it to the zoo or theme park. The third car is optional if you only want two. baby products step 2 choo choo review

So, there you have it! My favorite baby products for infants and toddlers. What are YOUR favorite baby products??!!


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